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Proposal Guidelines

The Gilbert Foundation grant-making process starts with contacting the Executive Director.  After that discussion, the development and submittal of the proposal is the next step.  


This document will be added to other proposals being reviewed at the quarterly Board meeting.  Typically, anywhere from five to fifteen proposals are reviewed at each meeting.

Requested Proposal Elements:


[in Word document format, 1-2 pages maximum]


  1. Organization Name, Date of Proposal

  2. Contact Person (with e-mail and phone)

  3. Name of project for which funding is being requested

  4. Brief description of the nature of the project, project history (if applicable)

  5. Desired outcome of the project

  6. Funding request, and total project budget

  7. Number of clients served by the project

  8. Other funders partnering on this project (with dollar amounts for each)

  9. Project timing (when is funding needed?)

Successful Proposal Guidance


As a small Foundation with limited funding capability, it is important that your proposal stand out in order to be funded.  Listed below are some key elements that can make your proposal more compelling:


  • Explain the 'Why?'  Why are you passionate about this project?  Why is it different? Why do you think it is a better investment for The Gilbert Foundation than other similar projects?


  • Describe the outcome desired in terms of your long-term vision for success (i.e., if this is successful, what does the new, improved environment look like?  How do you know it was effective?).  Think about more than just tracking metrics like '# of people served'.

Please submit your proposal here:
Upload File

Thank you!

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